Service Agreement
For Domain Owners is owned and operated by 3501256 Canada Inc.'s Whois Privacy service is intended to help protect domain owners from unsolicited and unwanted email, telephone calls, and solicitations sent by postal mail. It is not intended to shield the identity of individuals or companies that want to engage in illegal activities and or engage in the types of abuse we try to protect our users from.
As a domain owner, use of our privacy service is provided through your domain registrar, under the terms of the registration agreement you will have agreed to at the time you registered or transferred your domain name to your registrar.
The terms and conditions under which you may use our Whois privacy service are defined in the registration agreement with your registrar. The particular terms that apply to our service will be found in the section entitled "Whois Privacy Agreement".
In layman's terms, the terms of service include
- Through your registrar, by using our service, you authorize us to replace your personal/corporate contact information you provide to your registrar with our contact name, postal address, email address and phone number.
- You maintain ownership of your domain and the right to transfer or sell it at any time.
- Mail that is sent to you by your registrar will be sent to the contacts you maintain with them.
- We maintain in our sole discretion the right to suspend or cancel the Whois privacy service. We would do this in the event where required by law, if there is a dispute filed against your domain, if your domain is involved in spam, distributing malware or copyright enfringement, or if you are in breach of any terms of the Whois Privacy Agreement section of your Registration Agreement.
For the full binding text of your agreement, please see your Registrar's Registration Agreement.
For Registrars and Resellers
If you are looking to integrate our Whois privacy service into the offerings you provide your clients, please contact our sales team. We'll work with you to draw up an agreement for our privacy service, and help you integrate the necessary additional terms and conditions into your Registar/Reseller agreement for your customers.
We maintain and enforce a strict Acceptable Use Policy.